And an absolutely huge thank you to Charley Rimmer who wrote this very touching poem and shared it with me...
The weight gain and the feeling sick
The battle was mine alone
The hourly night time toilet trip
The battle was mine alone.
But when I heard your heart beat
And felt you move around
The battle was my pleasure son
In love with you, I’d drowned.
The back pain and the aching feet
The battle was mine alone
The stretch marks and the feeling beat
The battle was mine alone.
But when I saw you on the scan
It all seemed so worthwhile
Not even born or named or fed
Already you made me smile.
And then the labour pains, so bad
The battle was mine alone
I cried unsure of the strength I had
The battle was mine alone
But then you arrived
And nothing could compare
To the love and the peace
I felt then and there.
I was handed a baby, my son, my boy
And the pain just melted away
The battle became a time of joy
Everything changed upon that day
The sleepless nights and hungry days
The battle is mine alone
Learning all of your baby ways
The battle is mine alone
But what about Dad and sister and dog
Are they not battling too?
Well, yes my boy, I suppose they are
But they see a different you
For I will feel every tear you see
The battle is mine alone
I’m your mum and always will be
That pleasure is mine alone. as a Mum, there are moments when I am pulling my hair out with two little boys who are full of personality, but there are many more times when I just cannot stop looking at them, taking in each and every detail... they are such an incredible blessing and I promise to never forget just how lucky I am...