My Thank You xxx

Oh Wow!!

I can barely believe it has been a year this week since my first Newborn Session.  What a roller coaster and huge learning curve it has been and I can't thank my loyal and amazing friends and customers enough for your ongoing support, likes, shares and recommendations.  Not to mention the incredible patience of my husband and family during the time before this dream even became a reality, when my head was constantly in a book, staring at a computer screen or behind a camera, absorbing all I could to do with photography, my camera, different lenses, lighting....and so the list goes on....(and a confession that this is still where they will find me now as the passion, thirst for learning and now editing are an ongoing process).

So, apologies for waffling, I won't go on further, but it really is just so much more than I could have ever wished for and I have met the most incredibly friends, fellow photographers and new parents along the way.

I want to celebrate with you somehow and although I have only recently increased my prices (to reflect the ongoing investment in beautiful props, training and equipment), as a big thank you back again, I have decided to give a huge 20% discount on all packages for those who book from today until the foreseeable future (also extended to those who have already booked on my new prices). 

Before I go, I want to also give a mention to the prop makers/sellers who I have come to know along the way, these people work so hard to make the beautiful pieces that I use.  

Thank you once again, I hope that I have brightened up someones day and now I had better get on with some editing!! xxx

Emilia Mae, Day 10

I have lots of catching up to do on my blog.  It's been a fairly busy time for me, work wise and personally...with hubby rupturing his achilles tendon...ouch! But things are calming down and I'm gradually getting through my editing in preparation for the countdown to the big 6 week school holidays.  So, in no particular order, I will start updating you with a selection of images all of the sessions I have missed.

Starting with...beautiful little Emilia Mae, Day 10.  Mum and Dad were so relaxed during the session, which I just love, because I know what a busy and daunting time it can be with a Newborn.  I've said it before, but it's lovely to stop still for a few hours, without the rush of  visitors coming and going and just take it all in.  I also ask parents to assist at times, which helps me and also is important for safety, particularly on the beanbag.  Every one is always more than pleased to be involved and are often quite amazed at how well baby sleeps.  But don't get me wrong, newborn baby photography generally comes hand in hand with some mess, and it's sad to say, we become quite immune to getting peed on!  I seem to remember little Emilia was fairly ladylike on this occasion!

I love neutrals, I wear a lot of neutrals myself, and as a Newborn Photographer, I think my style comes across as very neutral, lots of creams, whites and beige.  However, I do love using colour and always ask parents if they have any particular colour likes and dislikes.  On this occasion, mum wanted pinks and purples as well as some cream which is great because I absolutely love using splashes of colour and it gives me chance to experiment.    Which do you prefer, neutrals or colours and which are your favourite colours? 


Seren Adelaide, Day 10 xx

Well after a busy few weeks of photographing, I have a little catching up to do with my blogging and where best to start but with my most recent newborn, this beautiful little 'star' Seren Adelaide.  

As a newborn photographer, I aways feel truly thankful when asked to take on the important job of caputuring those first special newborn moments, those tiny toes and hands, beautiful button noses and the first 'windy' little smiles.  But when I get to know mum along the way, having already done her maternity session,  and had an insight into the lead up of the arrival of their first little miracle, I feel an overwhelmingly privilege to be a part of that.  Seren is such a little blessing to her beautiful family and a blessing to have in the studio.

When mum and dad walked in with her, she was all curled up and snug in her car seat.  I always ask that parents dress baby in a front fastening sleep suit so that we don't have to disturb them too much when undressing and mum and dad followed all the guidelines perfectly here.  She was such a perfectly tiny, curled up little bundle and as you can see from the selection of images below, she was at her happiest curled up in a little bundle, in fact she was so tiny, it was hard not to lose her in the props!  

Although she was small, like a little 'pixie', she had long arms and legs, and lovely long fingers.  I love capturing those little details, which so quickly change and grow and I just couldn't get enough on this day, in fact, I truly fell for little Seren and I can't wait to see her again for her sitting session.  

But the big love in the room was gushing out from mum and dad, who couldn't peel their eyes away, watching on as I worked away with their little star. 

I hope you enjoy the selection from this beautifully pure session. xxx

Eva Lily 8 Weeks

I am a natural light, newborn baby photographer based in Kelsall, Tarporley, just outside of Chester in Cheshire.  I absolutely love working with newborns and their families and feel extremely lucky and privileged each time I am asked by new parents to photograph their new arrival.  With newborns, the recommended age to get those curled up, sleepy images, is up to 14 days, preferably 5-10 days from birth.  However, there are occasions when this isn't possibly for one reason or another and if I can fit you in, I will do, as I feel it is so important to capture the memories of your little ones in their first year.  

I am excited to be preparing little Eva Lily's images for disc this evening and here are a selection from her gallery.  Eva was 8 weeks when we managed to photograph her and as you can see, as well as being absolutely beautiful, she was still quite small and happy to be snuggled up in a wrap.  She was so good for us and her parents were such incredibly lovely people, you could really feel the love in the room.  I love these images and think they are just so pure with the white backdrop and lace wrap, chosen out of my selection of beautiful props, along with a touch of vintage pink.

I'm sure you'll agree that Mum is stunning, I certainly don't remember looking this good 8 weeks after giving birth! In fact, I remember the first few weeks at least being quite chaotic and they seemed to pass by in a haze.  This is another reason why I think it's such a great experience to have your newborn photographed.  It gives parents a moment to sit back and take it all in, the changes that have happened and the wonderful new addition to their family.

We always suggest booking your place soon after your 12 week scan, as although I don't like to disappoint parents and will always try to fit you in, spaces are limited due to my own family circumstances and not all older babies are happy to be in the positions that we can pose little newborns in once they get past the 14 day mark.  

I hope you