My Thank You xxx

Oh Wow!!

I can barely believe it has been a year this week since my first Newborn Session.  What a roller coaster and huge learning curve it has been and I can't thank my loyal and amazing friends and customers enough for your ongoing support, likes, shares and recommendations.  Not to mention the incredible patience of my husband and family during the time before this dream even became a reality, when my head was constantly in a book, staring at a computer screen or behind a camera, absorbing all I could to do with photography, my camera, different lenses, lighting....and so the list goes on....(and a confession that this is still where they will find me now as the passion, thirst for learning and now editing are an ongoing process).

So, apologies for waffling, I won't go on further, but it really is just so much more than I could have ever wished for and I have met the most incredibly friends, fellow photographers and new parents along the way.

I want to celebrate with you somehow and although I have only recently increased my prices (to reflect the ongoing investment in beautiful props, training and equipment), as a big thank you back again, I have decided to give a huge 20% discount on all packages for those who book from today until the foreseeable future (also extended to those who have already booked on my new prices). 

Before I go, I want to also give a mention to the prop makers/sellers who I have come to know along the way, these people work so hard to make the beautiful pieces that I use.  

Thank you once again, I hope that I have brightened up someones day and now I had better get on with some editing!! xxx